miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Ring 5 Kato Shigeaki

『Tsumi na yatsu』→tsu [a sinful guy/girl (playboy, etc)]

Masuda-san's turn was good. Or more like, Masuda-san, you're fun and awesome these days.     

And so please hurry up and read my book. 「Pink and Gray」 It's now on sale~
Let's see. It's 「tsu」 again isn't it. 

Tsuri.  [fishing]

You'd think I'd say that of course.
So I won't.
「Tsubame」「tsuru」 [swallow (bird)/crane]

I don't know. 

「Tsukinukeru hikari」 [piercing light]
Too cool, huh.
This is no good...
There's nothing other than 「tsuri」 that I can talk about. 

Not that I've gone fishing yet this year. I'm fine with the cold.
But I haven't found the right timing...

My aim this year is to catch a tuna. And to cut it open myself and have a maguro [tuna]party. Magupa. 

And so, I've decided. 
「Tsuritai, ookina maguro」 [i want to catch a big tuna] 

Word order inversion there. 

Kato Shigeaki, 加藤シゲアキ『Tsuritai, ookina maguro』→ 
*Lee la traducción en Español, aqui*
Créditos: ninkinikki

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