miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

J-WEB: NEWS RING premiere *Koyama*


Starting from NEWS' "su"→

The first player is Koyama Keiichiro :)

Everybody, welcome to "NEWS RING"


You know, we're doing this as a shiritori...so if I say "Superman" it will end already, right?* :)

Ok, sorry! 
I got one!

"Suutsu (Suit)"

Lately I wear suits a lot.
Before "News Every" when I wore a suit everybody told me I was flashy. My hairstyle was pretty flashy as well though...
How is it now? I'm glad I'm a little more adult-ish now. 
Also in the drama "Lucky 7" I'll be wearing a suit because my character works in a company. 

Anyway, there are many occasions to wear them!
I also have some personal rules, the first one is the size. 
I always try to wear the exact one.
My ideal are soccer players in suits, they're so handsome!
If I don't train more I won't be able to be like them!

One day I'd like to have a suit date...with the girl wearing a dress

I will do my best from now on to become a man that looks good in suits! 

So, the next word must begin with a "tsu" :)

I pass the baton! 

Koyama's "Suutsu"→

*A shiritori is a word game, you have to connect a new word to the last syllabe of the previous one. In Japanese no words can start with a single "n". That's why if somebody says a word ending like that he will break the ring and end the game.

Léela en español aquí: http://traducciones-je.livejournal.com/593291.html
 Créditos: spilledmilk25 .ninkinikki@lj

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